its been awhile
its been awhile dude. nice animations and glad to see your still animating ^^
its been awhile
its been awhile dude. nice animations and glad to see your still animating ^^
glad your back dude. 5/5 10/10 as usual ^^
no offense
no offense buddy, but as soon as i saw the intro of your flash after everything loaded.. i closed it. first of all its like you never even put effort on your work. if you expect people to like and watch this animation you should work harder on your animations. otherwise, people other than me will also close the animation you made. judging on the quality for me its gonna waste my time if i finished the whole thing.
im not trying to be a downer or something. hope you improve on your next animation. goodluck bud
though the animation was pretty kewl and awesome. the fightscene should be improved thats just for me.. other than that everything is fine
this animation is very cool man.. the action is very dynamic you kept every second of your animation energetic and fast paced. but to apply constructive criticism, i have to say that you have to improve more in your animation, because there are times that the animations really look stiff when you are just moving some different layered body parts of a pokemon or a trainer, what brought this animation front page is your cameras man, that was the awesome factor of this flash animation because of the different angles you made use of, the animation became more dynamic even if most of the times a body part of a pokemon or trainer is tweened or you just moved it with transformed tool.. anyways man you got great potential because you use your cameras very good.. some animations may be cool fluid and smooth but with the lack of creativeness in using the camera angle their animation looks average.. so try to improve more on the animation, for now here's a 10 for your awesome and hard work.
nice michael jordan tribute peace
thats a nice and funny flash made me laugh hehe^^, id love to see more flash from you
5/5 and 9/10 because one of your joke was unoriginal the toyota mitsubishi something, coz i believe its from scary movie 3?
anyways its still funny and enjoyable ^^
It's true, but the thundercats spell is all mine. :3
Thanks for watching and voting.
the stick animation was ok at some points but most of the time it's wobbly, some parts are over blurred, and background needs a lot of work man.
also the zombies are just like in l4d you should think of something more original.
it was way too short and you really need to clean up your work and your animation, to make it more appealing to people..
and damn you need to fix that voice acting.. its super annoying.. if your not that good with voicing try to find other people to voice for you
ok first of all it was too short, you should have made it a little longer, also the fps was high, so you should have at made his moves smooth or lowered the fps because it's like in fast forward, anyways the humour was ok, not everybody might laugh but im sure a few will, because it's a cliche already, you should get new jokes to improve your humor or think of new jokes, and the reaction in the face of the guy should change when he hit the wall, also the blood needs a little work.
if you practice some more im sure youll get it someday
2/5, 4/10.
yea it was kinda short and all...
hot 2d animator next door at your service
Age 35, Male
mapua insitute of technology
Joined on 6/24/07